Thursday, 2 June 2011


Superstition is nothing but irrational belief in something.If a European believes that he is superior to  an Indian or a Chinese,he is anything but rational and so superstitious.If a pious Hindu believes that a dip in the holy Ganga will wash off his sins,as if the sins are oozing out of his body like beads of perspiration and so they will be washed off,he is superstitious and has no basis whatsoever in reason or common sense.It is often traditional,passed down by our predecessors to be transferred to our successors.

Superstitions throve in the past,in primitive times,when mystery surrounded man on all  sides and he could not rationally account for anything and everything that he a mood of reverent awe,he invented numerous gods and goddesses and endowed them with supernatural powers,so that they might do or undo anything in their respective spheres and save him from some impending peril.The modern generation scoffs at them,forgetting all the while that they are also not immune from superstition.Superstitions die hard,they are sent down the ages.Age is more fatalistic and superstitious than the youth.

A shooting star is considered to be an extremely ill omen everywhere
"When beggars die,there are no comets seen
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes" 
The howling of a dog at night is supposed to indicate the presence of an evil spirit nearby.
Is there any rational explanation to this?The dog might be hungry,it might be in no no..beware!!an evil spirit is lurking nearby and strangely enough only the dogs are able to fathom their existence!!!Really!!!
Here are some more popular superstitions.If one is about to start a journey,and another person happens to sneeze only once,it is very unfortunate.Strangely enough two or three sneezes are harmless.So is the logic or rather illogical logic behind these superstitions.It is ominous to undertake a journey or commence a new task on Tuesday or Saturday.If a cat intercepts you on your path or rushes past you on your proposed path,it is believed that you must come to grief.The screech of an owl is also considered ominous.

If a man's right eye or right limb throbs,it is a sign of good luck but if any of the left limbs is throbbing,it is set to bring misfortunes on him.Similarly itching in the right palm means more money for an individual,but if the whole body is itching it is time to consult a good dermatologist.The sight of a corpse or a full pitcher is deemed auspicious while embarking on a journey.If a crow or a vulture sits over someone's head the end of that person is imminent.But do someone in their correct senses allow a crow to sit on his/her head????obviously no,rather one would try to scare the pestilential bird away.

Then there are certain superstitions based on ghosts and spirits.Some houses are not fit for occupation because they are visited by ghosts.generally such houses are called haunted houses,the existence of which are very much doubtful.As for ghosts,a power of darkness conspires with a power of loneliness and both succeed in creating a ghost.To put it better,ghostly atmosphere paralyses the reason of man and arouses in him the dread of a subjective ghost which has no existence,whatsoever in space or time.Ghosts also have a knack of possessing people,women more than men.If a woman begins to burst into fits of hysteria,many an ignorant lady attribute the fact to the victim being possessed rather than tending proper medical care and attention to her.

Superstitions do act as a hindrance to our progress and constrain our thinking.A superstitious person is weak and vacillating by nature.He falters and staggers.He can never rise to the occasion.He cannot contribute anything useful to civilization.

Weakness,fear,melancholy together with ignorance are the true sources of superstition.We should try to break the shackles of age old beliefs and usher a new dawn for hope.It won't be possible overnight,but a sincere effort on everyone's part can at least diminish the ill-effects of superstitions.

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